Friday 29 June 2012

I have to say reading really isn’t my favourite thing to do, by a long way!
It wouldn’t be the thing i put at the top of my priority list so really now i am older i only do it if i have to. That is sitting down with a book; it’s different with a newspaper or a magazine because i actually find them interesting.
The only place i actually enjoy sitting down and reading a book is when i am abroad on holiday getting a tan! I can get through more or less two books in two weeks when I’m on holiday because i practically live on the beach reading! 

Kiddie Reading

My relationship with reading is quite varied, i mostly like to read in the evening to wind down and relax before i go to bed. 

I really enjoy reading books!

 But that is only if i have an interesting book that grips me to the story line.

However I’m not really a frequent reader as i prefer to play my guitar of listen to music, although my English teacher is encouraging me to read more.

When I was little my parents always read to me every evening my favourite stories, and as i grew up and learnt to read myself I owned a reading journal so i could log how many times i had read my book i was given by my primary school teacher. 

Around 2 years ago i read a whole series of Cathy Cassidy books; they were all linked and went through teenage girls lives. I felt that i could really relate to them, and i found it very interesting and like i said earlier quite gripping, but not in a tense way but a curious way.

Now i have a little sister i read her favorite book to her every evening, just like when i was younger!